"virtually urban, really rural"


Since 2009, Skylinkinvent has been a pioneer in tech innovation, specializing in developing technologies suitable for PNG. Led by our Australia "Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2024" Award winning CEO, Wilfred Amai, we began offering a comprehensive one-stop shop delivering technology to Papua New Guinea.
The technology is about applications development, software development, Fintech, finance, banking, and electronic trade. Our tech solutions developed in partnership and collaboration with credible organizations since 2009.
Our corporate partners include:
1. AWS (Amazon Web Services),
2. Lenovo,
3. PNGAAA (PNG Australia Alumni Association),
4. Bank of PNG,
5. UNCDF (United Nations Capital Development Fund)
6. UNDP (United Nations Development Program),
7. EU (European Union)
7. Fintech Oceania (PNG) Ltd
Through our partnerships we develop and commercialize solutions to address specific needs for the industry and to improve the PNG economy, including finance/banking, eCommerce, Accounting, Skills Training, rural communications, package delivery, search and rescue, surveillance, and exploration. Papua New Guinea serves as a testing ground for these technologies, with appropriate partnership in country and abroad.
Early in our establishment stages we developed Digicel's electronic toppup system back in 2009 as a subcontractor of Oceanic Communications Ltd and rolled out 10,000 units throughout PNG between 2009-2011.
Skylinkinvent co-owns WanTALK Messenger Ltd, a Fintech firm in consortium with Fintech Oceania PNG Ltd. Together we have won an award from the Central Bank of Papua New Guinea, UNCDF and the EU 2021 pre-qualifying our e-Wallet solution into the BPNG Sandbox program. Our eWallet called "WanCash," is designed to transform digital payments in the region.
Notably, Skylinkinvent was selected by the PNG Business Council to represent Papua New Guinea at APEC 2018, showcasing its innovations on a global stage. Our business network has since then become global.

image: ©jules - stock.adobe.com
Accreditation & Certification
Cloud Solutions
Cloud based technology makes your services conveniently available anywhere there is an internet connection. The government of Papua New Guinea engaged Skylinkinvent as Chief Architect to design and setup their eGavman cloud in 2020.
In 2023, we have driven hard into the Cyber Security business. Skylinkinvent CEO attained "AWS Certified Security - Specialty" certification and then we became the partner of CyberUnison (Singapore based Cyber Security company) in Papua New Guinea. Cyber Security is of prime importance in today's world. Skylinkinvent the solution for you.

Fintech, Banking and Financing
In 2021, through our Wantalk Messenger Ltd and Fintech Oceania (PNG) Ltd consortium, we won our award with BPNG sponsored by the EU. We are now delivering Fintech solutions in collaboration with partners on the ground via the Fintech Oceania (PNG) Ltd consortium which has already won an award from UNCDF (United Nations Capital Development Fund) and the Central Bank of PNG and EU.